Welcome Our New Exhibit Hosts!

I am happy to announce 21 new exhibit hosts! 18 of these are brand new to the CAC community and 3 are current volunteers just adding to their certifications and roles.

Welcome to CAC Exhibit Host Team!

Daniel Bretz
Cathleen Costello
John Doherty
Bryan Fagan
Meryl Felsen
Chris Gekas
Bonnie Gillespie
Sue Hoffman
Tina Hurley
Scott Johnston
Eva Leriche
Elizabeth Little
Kashmira Magar
Pat McCarren
Christopher McNeil
Allison O’Keefe
Pamela Plehn
Sandra Shifrin
Douglas Sisson
Trig Thoreson
Karen Youngblood

If you are a current volunteer and want to add Exhibit Host to your role, contact Caroline for information on our next training sessions!

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