The Docent Coordinator is usually the first and most important CAC contact that docent trainees have during training.
As time goes by, trainees become docents, and they learn about the many roles this person plays within the organization to keep the volunteer program running smoothly. Over the years, this important position has been held by a number of people. What do you know about them?
1 – How many Docent Coordinators have we had? Can you name them?
2 – Who was the longest serving coordinator?
3 – Who followed Barbara Gordon as Docent Coordinator?
4 – Which coordinator presided over the first training using the new docent training curriculum that featured Fundamentals followed by a specific tour?
5 – Why did Jason discontinue training docents in the fall?
a. – He wanted to see trainees suffer from the cold when out on the streets in winter.
b. – Docents were getting certified in December and couldn’t get tours because of reduced winter schedule.
c. – He noticed that trainees were too distracted by holiday preparations and weren’t getting certified in a timely way.
d. – He noticed that spring classes led to certification just in time for the busy summer season.
6 – Which coordinator is currently Executive Director with the Frank Lloyd Wright Conservancy?
7 – Who is the only Docent Coordinator with a master’s degree in Hospitality?
See you next week with the answers!
Is there more than one correct answer to #5? 🙂