Nominate now for DAN service awards!


DAN may seem months away – and perhaps it is. But now is the time — before you forget  2022 — to nominate your fellow docents for Service and/or Outstanding Docent awards.

Annually, docents honor their peers who have given service over and above basic requirements. They nominate those who have done a special project, stepped in when time was of the essence and no one else was around, or discharged their duty as a Tour Director with elan and extra-added attention. 

DAN is the place to honor these docents – to show them that their efforts were noted and appreciated. 

Similar to getting a bonus in the working world, we want to honor those who have worked hard and mightily. You know, we can’t raise their salaries. We, instead, give out awards.

Help us find these docents so we can honor them. CLICK HERE for the DAN Nomination Form.

The DAN Committee 2023

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