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Docent Experience Survey Results

We are excited to share the results of the Docent Experience Taskforce survey. The Docent Experience Taskforce was one of several initiatives that emerged from the Docent Council Strategy Workshop held in January 2023. A big thank you to docents Kathy Baker and Erica Myles, who co-chaired this initiative, along with task force members Robin Bauer, Jill Carlson, Amanda Lewis, Quentin Kossnar, and Marcia Ross.

A major focus of the taskforce was conducting interviews with 59 docents to help us define the docent experience — the largest group to be interviewed individually than we’ve ever done before! Much thought and effort was put into developing questions that would provide valuable insights into the docent experience, from motivation to barriers.  Since these interviews took place between October – November 2023, several recommendations have already been implemented and additional initiatives are currently under way.

We encourage you to review the findings of the taskforce from the feedback provided by docents.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please connect with a member of the taskforce or Docent Council.

Our thanks to the taskforce as well as survey participants — we look forward to docents and CAC staff’s continued work together.


Ross Wirth, Docent Council President
Monica Wilczak, Chief Advancement Officer







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