Docent Double Down-Follow Up

A follow-up message from Docent Council …


Dear Fellow Docents,


The response to our Docents Double Down campaign has been very encouraging!  Since we launched this initiative last week, 46 docents have contributed more than $10,000 in total, and gifts continue to come in.


The purpose of the Docents Double Down campaign is to encourage those of us with the means and the desire to give even more than our time and talents to CAC during this financially challenging period.  We have the opportunity to double the value of our cash contributions via a generous Board of Trustees match.


For more information, please see this infographic from the CAC general annual fund and trustee match. While the general trustee match closes on June 30, please note that the Board of Trustees has graciously agreed to extend its match for our Docents Double Down campaign through July 10.

We are looking forward with excitement to announcing the impact of docent generosity at our virtual DAN celebration on July 9.

Please CLICK HERE to donate.


Thank you for your support and generosity.

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