Most of you have heard some whisperings about a new volunteer software coming to the CAC volunteer community. We will in fact be moving to a new platform later this summer. Why are we making a change? We are currently running a very dated version of VolunteerMatters and it will be discontinued by the end of September. Their new platform does not meet our needs unfortunately. A committee of staff and docents (Kelly Manteck, Lori Nelson and Mark Purdome) researched options and collectively decided Better Impact was the best choice for our group.
A few reasons we chose Better Impact is it has a really easy navigation via web, tablet AND mobile. Tours/shifts can easily be added to your personal device. There’s a flexible system for tour/shift scheduling, managing certifications and recording service/education hours. My personal fav feature is the homepage that staff can posts announcements for you to see immediately when you log in. Other features include file/document storage, secure data management and customizable email distribution lists.
Where are we now? The Team is in the midst of moving data from VolunteerMatters to Better Impact, building calendars/schedules and configuring tools and support. A huge shoutout to Lori Nelson for organizing a massive data report from VM into transferrable information. Another major player is Mark Purdome who took off sprinting with Better Impact and built out many of the functions for us. Jared Miller is the lead staff on this project in terms of building out the calendars and systems management. Cole Christian is a huge help with the data entry.
More information to come (like exact dates for launch, training, etc). If you were here with me when we moved to VM, you know there will be some learning curves but we will get through this together! This is a really exciting time for us! Cheers.
Happy to test if you need someone
Thank you to Lori, Mark and Cole for taking on this daunting task! Suzy Ruder
If you need an extra set of eyes and fingers for testing, just let me know. Russell Seward
As I already told Mark, I’m a willing system tester. And kudos to the team – Caroline, Lori, Mark, Kelly, Cole and Jared!
It will be great that we can schedule our tours and do other things on our mobile devices.
Thanks, Team.
I have been given a “guinea pig role” to try it and I can assure you this will be good for us. If I can do what has to be done, you can too! I think you’ll like it and find it pretty intuitive. Training for all is in the works. Many thanks to the team for doing all this work 😘