New Tour Directors and an Update on Tour Director Meetings

Dear Tour Directors,

This is the time of year when we are usually planning our tour director meeting.  In consultation with staff, we have decided to forgo the meeting in this very unusual year. We’ve all been spending more than enough time on Zoom! However, we do want to let you know what Tour Committee has been up to, update you on how tours are doing, and take care of the usual paperwork to prepare for next year. So, expect a message from us with all of that sometime next month. In the meantime…A tip of the hat goes to the following docents who’ve recently been approved by Docent Council to serve as tour directors.

Betsy Mahon, 2016, will join Ellen Shubart,  2006,  as co-tour director of Must See Chicago. Betsy replaces Mike McMains, 2005.

Matt Sheffer, 2019, will join Polly Kawalek, 2019, as co-tour director, and Steve Redfield, 2019, will become tour director- in- training for Elevated Architecture. Matt replaces Mike McMains, 2005.

Robin Bauer, 2016, will join Lynne Hensel, 2010, as co-tour director of Fulton Market. Robin replaces Gabe Labowitz, 2008.

Michael Weiland, 1984, will join Tom Drebenstedt, 1986, as co-tour director for Louis Sullivan Rediscovered. Michael replaces docent Ellen Busse, 2004.

And thank you to the retiring TDs, who have given their all to these tours that continue to please our guests.


Best wishes,


Jessica Williams and Tom Carmichael



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