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Two Honored at Docent Council

By Ellen Shubart, Class of 2006

Leslie Clark Lewis and Donna Gabanski, two long-time CAC docents who reached their term limits as committee chairs, were honored at the recent Docent Council meeting. Following the election of new officers, the traditionally short January meeting usually adjourns. But the meeting continued, offering heartfelt tributes to the two women who have served so well in so many capacities over the years.

Donna Gabanski was honored for her work on the Docent Library. From the time books were first brought from Glessner House (circa 1995) to the technological modernization of today’s library, Donna steered the ship. She maintained and expanded the library prior to the formation of a Library Committee, then headed that committee from its creation through the end of 2022. 

Donna was recognized for packing, unpacking, and organizing the collection at least twice. The first time was when the library (then at 224 S. Michigan) received new furniture, a gift from Barry Sears. And once again following the move to 111 E. Wacker Drive.

The Council passed a resolution acknowledging that Donna also curated “the expansion of the library collection to keep it relevant to docent and volunteer needs, to cultural and architectural trends, and to new technology. ”  The resolution passed unanimously and designates the non-circulating books in the Barry Sears Volunteer Library as the “Donna Gabanski Essential Collection.” 

Although no longer chair, Donna will continue to serve on the Library Committee. Steve Redfield and Kathy Kreps will be the new co-chairs of that committee.

Leslie Clark Lewis was honored for her service as chair of the Communications Committee for nearly 13 years, including leading the development of the docent web site The Bridge.  Leslie began The Bridge following the on-line Docent News and Docent Quarterly, which she also established and edited.

Leslie’s achievements include putting together the Announcements and Features sections of The Bridge for more than a decade as well as working enthusiastically with writers who contribute articles. The resolution for Leslie acknowledged that she always improved the articles that were received.

Leslie too will continue to work on the Communications Committee after stepping down as chair. Emily Clott will become the new co-chair of the Communications/Marketing Committee, joining Ellen Shubart. Following the unanimous vote for the resolution, Emily Clott led the meeting attendees in this song that she wrote in Leslie’s honor.


To the tune of “Frosty the Snowman”

Leslie Clark Lewis is a kind and gentle soul
With her mind so sharp & her eyes so bright and informing us her goal.
She’s head of Comm Comm, putting out the Bridge each week
Sharing news we need, stories in our feed
Tailored to us docent geeks.

There must have been some magic when
They chose Leslie to serve
For she hasn’t paused a moment
Leading us with style and verve.
Leslie Clark Lewis is the perfect Comm Comm chief
But her term is up and she’s stepping down
Time to give her some relief.

Each week on Friday, putting the Bridge out
Look at Leslie go
Each week on Friday, she gets the job done
So we’re in the know.

Leslie Clark Lewis knew her time was short one day
So she said “let’s run stories that are fun, before I step away.”
Thus we have photos, kudos, globetrotters and such
Profiles, updates, milestones and docent news
That help keep us all in touch.

Yes, Leslie runs the Bridge, gives tours and serves in many ways
Treasures tour director, sponsor, Docent Council fill her days.
Now Leslie Clark Lewis from the Bridge will step away.
As she waves goodbye, docents don’t you cry.
Simply shout “Leslie, hooray!”


CLICK HERE for more stories on The Bridge.





Authors Ellen Shubart (article) and Emily Clott ( poem)








This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Nancy

    Congratulations Donna and Leslie!

  2. Bobbi

    We’ll deserved tributes. Great work Donna and Leslie.

  3. Priscilla

    Many thanks to both Leslie and Donna for all that you have done as chairs. And how lucky are we that both will be continuing on their committees.

  4. Jennifer

    Reading this article makes me SOOOO Happy!!! Congratulations Donna and Leslie! Plus, thanks to talented Poetess Emily, I’ll have the tune of Frosty the Snowman ringing in my head for quite awhile. : ))

  5. Suzy

    Congratulations and thank you to Donna and Leslie for their commitments and legacies to CAF/CAC. AND a shout out to Emily who may just keep everyone in tune! Suzy Ruder

  6. Brian

    Thank you to both Donna and Leslie. It is Donna’s library that informed the stories I write for Leslie’s “The Bridge”.
    Without either of them, my Covid time would have been miserable.
    The library kept me in good company and “The Bridge” was my outlet for sharing their stories.
    Congratulations on significant contributions to the CAC from all of us who build our icebergs via the library and “The Bridge”.

  7. Harry

    Donna was my sponsor. I knew she would go far. Seriously. Donna and Leslie richly deserve this recognition.

  8. Susan

    Donna and Leslie, many thanks. You have both made rich contributions to keeping the docent family together, researching and communicating. So glad to see you both honored.

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