50 Years of Docent Managers

As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we remember and honor the people who oversaw the CAF/CAC Docent program for the last 50 years.


A few weeks ago Caroline Duda discussed the thrills and spills of working with docents with four previous volunteer managers: Pat Patterson, Barbara Gordon, Jason Neises and Hallie Rosen. CLICK HERE  to see some familiar faces and hear what they have to say. Their stories will make you smile and touch your heart. A big thank-you to Caroline for hosting this get-together with her predecessors.


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Bobbi

    Oh boy! Loved every minute. So wonderful to share laughs and memories with all of you. Thanks so much!

  2. Ellen

    I can only second Bobbi’s comment — loved every minute. Who can forget Bunny and her purple outfits and the silliness that the Wibergs brought to docent trips. But most importantly, we should not forget the wonderful people who have worked with us — and the wonderful things that they say about working with docents. We DO take possession of what we are involved with and it likely IS like riding behind a snow sled. Thanks, Caroline for doing this, and thanks to Barb, Pat, Jason and Hallie, too.

  3. Lori

    This was excellent! Thank you so much for putting it together. I am so proud to be a part of this amazing organization!

  4. Donna

    It was wonderful to “see” you all, especially Pat after so many years. It has been great to know you and work with you.

    Thanks for contributing to docent history.

  5. Susan

    Enjoyed this program immensely. Fun stories and anecdotes. It was interesting to reflect on some of the changes that have occurred over the years, many the result of CAC becoming more corporate. Thanks to all of you for participating.

  6. Marcia

    It was wonderful to see Barb and Jason again (Pat, I became a docent after you were no longer with CAF). I echo the above comments and thank you for your contribution to the docent program.

  7. Edmund

    These were wonderful memories to hear. Hallie was, of course, in the great class of 2010 and was running the class with Jason WHILE she was taking the class. That was remarkable to all of us. The people in this video mentioned that nothing was ever done “loosely.” But we tried. When Jason came up with the idea of Pub Crawls (now called the more genteel “Pub Tours”) he insisted at the beginning that the pubs we included on the tours be “dive bars.” So for the first one, the River North Architecture Pub Crawl, a team of us went out to many actual dive bars and realized that they would, shall we say, not quite do. However, we always needed fallback pubs in case one of our stops was closed to us. And a couple were indeed dive bars that generated their own unique interest.

    It’s just a bit sobering, though, to realize that some of us, perhaps during the 75th year celebration, will be remembered in such a reminiscence.

    Thanks, Caroline, for the fine job of conducting this walk through our past. And be sure that your growing family is a real part of us.

  8. Emily

    Wow, this was great, thanks to all of you who put it together! I really enjoyed hearing your anecdotes and reminiscences. It was fun to be able to see Pat’s, Jason’s and Barb’s faces since I had interviewed them on the phone earlier this year for an article I wrote. CAF was so lucky to have them! Hallie and Caroline are the docent managers I’ve worked with, and they’ve been awesome to work with as well. I am also in awe of the quality of our docent group. I feel both proud and humbled to be part of this excellent corps that’s been going strong for 50 years. Here’s to 50 more!

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