Spring—the traditional time for lambs, flowers, and babies! Susan Pappas’s first grandchild, Noah, arrived on May 19th. A big boy, Noah weighed in at just over 9 pounds. When will he take his first tour, Susan?!
A New Chapter in an Old Town! Heather McDougall, class of 2016 reports: “A bittersweet goodbye to Chicago and my many happy mornings on the Art Deco beat for CAC. After twenty years away, I’ve recently headed back to my hometown of Philadelphia. Now busy here fixing up a charming little century-old rowhouse in East Falls with my partner Marshall, and keeping the public radio flame lit, as WRTI’s new classical music director. The Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia is tending to my CAC withdrawals – all going well, will be hitting these cobblestone streets as one of their new docents later this year. Be sure to check out their tours and say hello if you are visiting Philly!”
Happy Anniversary, Class of 2009! Members of the Class of 2009 celebrated 10 years of docenthood with a blow-out party at Dan Lempa’s Playhouse, his combination body and woodworking shop and party area. Guests had a great time catching up with one another, sharing lots of docent war stories, and enjoying good food and drink. Kudos to Edie Hampson from everyone for organizing the event.