We are excited to sponsor a bookgroup with a few sections this winter. We will be reading a terrific book, Fallingwater Rising by Franklin Toker copywrite 2003 by Alfred A. Knopf. The book is both a biography of Frank Lloyd Wright and a story of the design and construction of Fallingwater. In the NY Times review they call the book “utterly fascinating…An absolute page turner, thanks not only to Toker’s diligence, but also to his palpable excitement.”
We will meet for 4 sessions the weeks of February 2nd, February 9th, February 16th and February 23rd. Sessions will be offered Tuesday at 4PM, Wednesday at 4PM and Thursday at 6PM. Our ability to sponsor the bookgroup sessions relies on volunteer discussion leaders. We would ask you to sign up to run one week’s discussion on the registration form and to register for a session. A discussion leader prepares questions to be sent to the class 5 days before the session and runs the bookgroup. Our people are very chatty and interested so these are easy discussions to run. The meetings are held on zoom and are an hour long. The book is approximately 400 pages long. So we will read 100 pages a week. Please sign up by January 16th.
Hope to see you in February. If you need further information please contact Peg Romm at 847-942-2844, st*********@sb*******.net.
The Enrichment Committee