Digital Library Volume 14 – Summing up 2020

As the final volume for 2020, we offer the updated list of resources that have been compiled since May (177 items, plus 40 architecture and engineering firms). The committee has begun evaluating cataloging systems to make this digital information searchable and to provide a way to search the collection in the Barry Sears library on line.

One added bonus this month is a site that allows you to search 20 + years of web history.  It might be fun to see what CAC was posting.  It is called Wayback machine. You’ll find it HERE.

The members of the committee who have researched and evaluated the postings are Leigh Gates, Kathy Krepps, Ed McDevitt, Bobbi Pinkert, Mark Purdome, Steve Redfield,  and chair Donna Gabanski.

Happy holidays, everyone!

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